Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Tentative Travel Plan

As most of you know, I am going on a longer road trip to South America. I leave here on Sunday flying directly to Buenos Aires. After a couple of days getting used to Castellano, I directly continue to Ushuaia in tierra del fuego a.k.a. el fin del mundo. My flight back leaves a little further up from Lima, Peru. So there's a lot in between. Here's a tentative travel plan for my road trip, we'll see if I can stick to it.

I plan to share some pictures and stories of traveling experiences here. So if you are interested, visit this page from time to time, I try to keep it updated.

¡Hasta luego!



Stefan Schilling said...

Viel Spass Flo... ich wuensch dir ales Gute auf dem Trip.

nikolaus demmel said...

hallo flo,
da kann man dich ja nur beneiden!
es sei dir aber natürlich gegönnt, hast es dir vermutlich verdient.
wünsche dir viel spaß, alles gute und auch glück!

klaus demmel